Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Sunday, 18/Sept/2022
4:00pm - 6:00pmEFCE - Meeting: Working party on fluid separations
Location: Room 1
6:00pm - 7:30pmWelcome: Registration & cocktail sponsorised by Koch-Glitsch
7:30pm - 9:30pmStudent event: Sponsored by Arkema
La Table du Belvédère - 11 Bd des Récollets TOULOUSE

Date: Monday, 19/Sept/2022
8:30am - 9:00amRegistration
9:00am - 9:30amOpenning ceremony
9:30am - 10:30amPlenary_1
Location: Room 1
Session Chair: Hendrik Adriaan Kooijman, Shell Global Solutions International BV, Netherlands, The

Absorption and CO2 capture

Véronique Pugnet, Stéphane Jouenne

Total Energies, France

10:30am - 11:00amCoffee break1: Sponsored by Arkema
11:00am - 12:40pmTopic_5_A: Process operation and troubleshooting
Location: Room 2
Session Chair: Ralf Proplesch, DSM Nutritional Products, Switzerland

First Impressions of Multiple Dividing Wall Column Operation: Design and First Experimental Results

Yannick Waibel, Lea Trescher, Lena-Marie Ränger, Thomas Grützner

Ulm University, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Thermal Process Engineering


New aspects of modeling and operation of nitrous gas absorption in packed columns

Jan F. Maćkowiak, Patrick Franke, Reiner Chromik, Jerzy Maćkowiak

ENVIMAC Engineering GmbH, Germany


Experimental investigation of foam in packed distillation columns

Rolf Staud, Zhenlong Sun, Shaoyou Xu, Katharina Jasch, Stephan Scholl

Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany


Automated detection of loading and flooding points in packed columns

Georg Haushofer, Verena Wolf-Zöllner

Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria

11:00am - 12:40pmTopic_6_A: Energy and sustainability in separation processes
Location: Room 1
Session Chair: Mario Roza, Sulzer, Switzerland

Carbon Dioxide Removal from the atmosphere by weathering minerals in a gas-liquid-solid contactor.

Richard C Darton1, Aidong Yang1, Liam Bullock3, Lei Xing2

1University of Oxford, United Kingdom; 2Loughborough University; 3Geociencias Barcelona


Development of a novel industrial process for stripping of carbon dioxide and ammonia from bioprocess wastewater

José-Francisco Pérez-Calvo1, Martin Lucke1, Tuvshinjargal Otgonbayar2, Thomas Raiser1, Marco Mazzotti2

1SULZER CHEMTECH AG, Switzerland; 2Institute of Energy and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Reactive distillation of mixtures containing formaldehyde, methanol, water, and poly(oxymethylene) dimethyl ethers on pilot-scale

Alvaro Ferre1, Johannes Voggenreiter1, Christian F. Breitkreuz2, Hans Hasse2, Jakob Burger1

1Technical University of Munich, Laboratory of Chemical Process Engineering, Straubing/Germany; 2Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Laboratory of Engineering Thermodynamics, Kaiserslautern/Germany


Modeling, validation, exergy evaluation and optimization of an industrial cryogenic air distillation plant under variable demand

Camilo Mora, Alvaro Orjuela

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia

12:40pm - 2:00pmLunch1
2:00pm - 3:00pmPlenary_2
Location: Room 1
Session Chair: Jens-Uwe Repke, TU Berlin, Germany

Horizon Europe support for the European Green Deal

Soren Bowadt

HaDEA, Danemark

3:00pm - 4:40pmTopic_5_B: Process operation and troubleshooting
Location: Room 2
Session Chair: Tony Cai, Fractionation Research, Inc., United States of America

Troubleshooting a Column - Problem and Solution

Sebastian Löw1, Vijaya Bhaskar R. Gummala2, André Ohligschläger1, Tim Rogalinski2, Ralf Ziegler2

1Nobian GmbH, Germany; 2Siemens AG, Germany


Digitalization of a Periodic Stripper Unit for Real-Time Data Integration with Predictive Modelling

Mads Stevnsborg, Jens Abildskov, Jakob K. Huusom

Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark


Root Cause Analysis for Structured Packing Failure (Case Study)

Ahmad Bunaiyan, Vasileios Tsachouridis, Nasiru Tukur

Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia


How to calculate column hydraulics considering operational effects

Volker Engel

WelChem Process Technology GmbH, Germany

3:00pm - 4:40pmTopic_6_B: Energy and sustainability in separation processes
Location: Room 1
Session Chair: Andre de Haan, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, The

Comparison of VCHP and MVR assisted distillation of MEG-water mixture via dynamic simulations

Ioannis Tyraskis1, Marija Saric1, Andrew Marina1, Pascal Padberg2, Manuel Graber2, Yann Pellny2

1TNO, 1755 ZG, Petten, the Netherlands; 2TLK Energy GmbH, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany


Vapor Recompression: An interesting option for vacuum columns?

Armin Rix, Moritz Schröder, Niklas Paul, Christoph Ehlers

Evonik Operations, Germany


Assessment of Dividing Wall Column separations - Revisit to the Vmin-diagram

Ivar J. Halvorsen

SINTEF, Norway


Can simple side stream configurations compete with fully thermally coupled dividing wall columns?

Momme Adami, Anna Sophia Horsch, Mirko Skiborowski

Institute of Process Systems Engineering, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg/Germany

4:40pm - 5:00pmCoffee break2
5:00pm - 6:00pmPoster session

A kinetic mass-transfer study of the oxidative-absorption of SO2 in H2O2 aqueous solutions

Domenico Flagiello1, Francesco Di Natale1, Amedeo Lancia1, Ilio Sebastiani2, Fabrizio Nava2, Antonino Milicia2, Alessandro Erto1

1Department of Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II – P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy; 2Desmet Ballestra SpA – Via Piero Portaluppi 17 - 20138 Milan, Italy


A Novel Intensified and Integrated Distillation Approach for Improving Manufacture of Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate

Gwang Sik Kim1, Muhammad Islam1, Yus Donald Chaniago2, Kee-Kahb Koo3, Le Cao Nhien1, Riaz Amjad1, Moonyong Lee1

1Yeungnam University, Korea, Republic of (South Korea); 2Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of (South Korea); 3Sogang University, Republic of (South Korea)


A Novel Intensified and Integrated Distillation Approach for Improving Manufacture of Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate (PGMEA)


Yeungnam University, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)


A Simple Method for Calculating a Pitchfork Distillation Boundary

Lechoslaw Krolikowski

Wroclaw Universty of Science and Technology, Poland


Advanced marine scrubbing for simultaneous de-SOx/NOx using a wet oxidative process coupled with wash water treatment

Domenico Flagiello, Alessandro Erto, Amedeo Lancia, Francesco Di Natale

Department of Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II – P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy


An optimisation-based comparison of different dividing wall column configurations

Fanyi Duanmu, Eva Sorensen

University College London (UCL), United Kingdom


Analysis of a marine scrubber operation with conventional and AI based methodologies

Erasmo Salvatore Napolitano1,2, Lelio Campanile3, Alberto Portolano4, Francesco Di Natale1, Luigi Piero Di Bonito3,5

1The Sustainable Technologies for Pollution Control (STPC-Lab) Department of Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II; P.le Tecchio, 80, 80125 Naples, Italy; 2DIMES Department, University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci cubo 42C, 87036 Rende (Cs), Italy; 3Department of Mathematics and Physics, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli; Viale Lincoln, 5 - 81100 Caserta (Italy); 4Grimaldi Euromed, Via Marchese Campodisola 13, 80133 Napoli (Italy); 5Intensification of SeparaTion processes for the Environment and the circular Economy Lab (STEEL), Department of Chemical, Material and Industrial Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, P.le V. Tecchio, 80 - 80125 Napoli (ITALY)


Are Deep Eutectic Solvents Feasible for Simultaneous Capture of CO2 and H2S from Natural Gas?

Clara Vilela Weikert, Larissa Thaís Bruschi, Rubens Maciel Filho, Maria Regina Wolf Maciel

State University of Campinas, Brazil

Abstract1288-Vilela Weikert-1288.pdf

Assessment of Deep Eutectic Solvents for Alcohol-Water Separations by Extractive Distillation

Andre de Haan, Dhoni Hartanto, Dhoni Hartanto

Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, The

Abstract1108-de Haan-1108.pdf

Balance between steady-state design and dynamic control of four-product dividing wall columns

Xing Qian1, Shengkun Jia2

1College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China; 2School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Chemical Engineering Research Center, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China


BE-Clean: P2X technology for gas desulphurization

Sebastian Borgquist1, Sebastian Nis Bay Villadsen1, Philip Loldrup Fosbøl1, Jens Abildskov2

1CERE, Dept. Chem. Biochem. Eng., Tech. Univ. Denmark; 2PROSYS, Dept. Chem. Biochem. Eng., Tech. Univ. Denmark


CFD simulation and additive manufacturing as a combined tool for the development of innovative structured packings on a laboratory scale

Nadin Sarajlic1, Johannes Neukäufer2, Mohamed Adel Ashour2, Thomas Grützner2, Carsten Knösche3, Jürgen Paschold3, Harald Klein1, Sebastian Rehfeldt1

1Technical University of Munich, Germany; 2Ulm University, Germany; 3BASF SE, Germany



Carlos Alberto Augusto Sanchez Quiñones, Silvia Álvarez-Torellas, Jose Antonio Delgado, V. Ismael Águeda Maté, Marcos Larriba Martínez, María Martín Martínez

Catalysis and Separation Processes group (CyPS), Complutense University of Madrid

Abstract1276-Sanchez Quiñones-1276.pdf

CO2 freezing in low-temperature distillation of natural gas–carbon dioxide mixtures

Nuradibah Binti Adnan, Megan Jobson, Robin Smith

University of Manchester, United Kingdom


Comparative assessment of solvent-based post-combustion capture processes for waste-to-energy

Tuvshinjargal Otgonbayar, José Francisco Pérez Calvo, Marco Mazzotti

ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Conducting Distillative Separation Efficiency Measurements with Elevated Feed Viscosities

Sven Gutperl, Katharina Jasch, Stephan Scholl

TU Braunschweig, Germany


Controllability of pilot multiple dividing wall column for various feed compositions

Goran Lukač1, Ulrich Preißinger2, Igor Dejanović1, Thomas Grützner2

1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Zagreb, Croatia; 2Ulm University, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Ulm, Germany


Controllability study of a dual condenser four product DWC

Goran Lukač1, Ivar J. Halvorsen2, Žarko Olujić3, Igor Dejanović1

1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Croatia; 2SINTEF, Norway; 3Retired


Cyrene and derivatives of cyrene as biobased entrainers in extractive distillation

Boelo Schuur, Thomas Brouwer, Jorrit Bock, Simon Hooisma

University of Twente, The Netherlands


Design of a Novel Process for CO2 Capture Using Deep Eutectic Liquids

Carlos Abraham Mora-Garduño1, Karla Rebeca Jalomo-Fonseca1, Ana Gabriela Romero-Garcia1, Jose Maria Ponce-Ortega2, Betzabe Gonzalez-Campos2, Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez1

1Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico; 2Universidad Michoacana de san Nicolas de Hidalgo, Mexico


Design of Intensified processes separation to recover Furfural and coproducts Economic, Environmental, Safety and Control evaluation.

Gabriel Contreras-Zarazúa, Miriam E. Jasso-Villegas, Eduardo Sánchez-Ramírez, Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez

Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico


Design of membrane based gas-liquid absorption units: a fast, efficient, high throughput batch to continuous methodology

Eglé Ferreri, Christophe Castel, Eric Favre

Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés, Université de Lorraine, CNRS, LRGP, Nancy


Direct and fully automated shortcut method for designing an extractive dividing wall column: 1. Minimum azeotropic Mixtures with a Heavy Entrainer

Fatima Zohra SEIHOUB1, Vincent Gerbaud2,3, Hassiba Benyounes4

1Laboratoire de Génie Chimique et de Catalyse Hétérogène, Université de Science et de la Technologie – Mohamed Boudiaf, Oran, Algérie; 2Université de Toulouse, INP, UPS, LGC (Laboratoire de Génie Chimique), 4 allée Emile Monso, F-31432 Cedex 04 Toulouse, France; 3CNRS, LGC (Laboratoire de Génie Chimique), F-31432 Cedex 04 Toulouse, France; 4UST. Oran, Laboratoire de chimie physique de matériaux, catalyse et environnement, Oran, Algeria


Downstream processing of dimethyl ether synthesized from biogas with a hydrogen-enhanced reaction

Caroline Otto, Bernd Benker, Andreas Lindermeir

TU Clausthal, Germany


Dynamic behavior of thermosyphon-assisted falling film distillation column

José Luiz Francisco Alves, Ricardo Antonio Francisco Machado, Cintia Marangoni

Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil


Energy and Control Analysis in Intensified Schemes for Acetone Purification

Jonathan Martin Amezquita-Ortiz1, Heriberto Alcocer-Garcia1, Gabriel Contreras-Zarazua1, Javier Fontalvo2, Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez1

1Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico; 2Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Manizalez


Energy saving potential of dividing wall columns identified by NQ-curves

Lena-Marie Ränger1, Tobias Seidel2, Michael Bortz2, Thomas Grützner1

1Ulm University, Germany; 2Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, Germany


Enhancing the SO2 removal efficiency of a spray tower using electrified water droplets

Arianna Parisi1, Claudia Carotenuto2, Amedeo Lancia1, Francesco Di Natale1

1The Sustainable Technologies for Pollution Control Lab, Department of Chemical, Material and Industrial Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Piazzale V. Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy; 2Department of Engineering, University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Via Roma 29, 81031 Aversa (Caserta), Italy


Entrainer selection for extractive distillation using the Infinitely Sharp Split method

Ivonne Rodriguez-Donis1, Jens Abildskov2, Nataliya Shcherbakova3, Vincent Gerbaud3

1Laboratory of Agro-Industrial Chemistry, France; 2PROSYS, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Denmark; 3Chemical Engineering Laboratory, France



Larissa Thaís Bruschi, Clara Vilela Weikert, Rubens Maciel Filho, Maria Regina Wolf Maciel

State University of Campinas, Brazil


Exergy analysis of a Top Heat-Integrated Distillation Columns (T-HIDiC) for Propylene-Propane system

Javier Mancera1, Carlos Arturo Martinez-Riascos1, Diego Fernando Mendoza2, Marco Andrés Guevara-Luna3

1Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia; 2Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia; 3Université de Strasbourg, France


Intensification of CO2 Capture from Methane-rich Streams Using a Rotating Packed Bed Absorption Column

João Gabriel Mendes1, Gabriel Simões1, Delano Mendes1, Silvio Alexandre Vieira de Melo2, Karen Pontes1, Markus Illner2, Erik Esche2, Jens-Uwe Repke2

1Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Brazil; 2Technische Universität Berlin, D-10623 Berlin, Germany


Integrated entrainer design for extractive distillation using the infinitely sharp splits method and computer-aided molecular design

Adem Rosenkvist Aouichaoui Nielsen1, Ivonne Rodriguez-Donis2, Vincent Gerbaud3, Natalya Shcherbakova3, Jens Abildskov1

1Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; 2Laboratoire de Chimie Agro-industrielle, LCA, Université de Toulouse, INRA, Toulouse, France; 3Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, INP, UPS, Toulouse, France


Influence of the Size of Prefractionator on Processing Capacity for Two-Column Batch Distillation Processes

Bence Nemeth, Laszlo Hegely, Peter Lang

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Building Services and Process Engineering, Hungary


Influence of dividing wall position on performance of dividing wall column with vapor feed

Huiying Liu, Shengkun Jia, Yiqing Luo, Xigang Yuan

Tianjin University, China, People's Republic of


Industrial experience in using cyclic distillation for the purification of ethanol food grade

Olesja Bedryk, Alexander Shevchenko, Vladimir Maleta, Anton Kiss

University of Manchester, United Kingdom


Improving Design and Scale-up of Columns with Structured Packings by Means of CFD

Marc Fan Xia, Maximilian Peter Neumann, Sebastian Rehfeldt, Harald Klein

Technical University of Munich, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Plant and Process Technology, Garching/Germany


Hydraulic investigations of the operating limits of high performance trays

Felicitas Sophia Engel, Harald Klein, Sebastian Rehfeldt

Technical University of Munich, Germany


Gas absorption performance and stability of fine bubbles in seawater and saline solutions

José de Jesús Piña Torres1, Julián Cabrera Ruiz2, J. Rafael Alcantara Avila3

1Technical University of Munich, Germany; 2Universidad de Guanajuato; 3Kyoto Univeristy, Japan

Abstract1186-Piña Torres-1186.pdf

Further development of the guideline for standardized characterization measurements of packed columns

Andrea Triebl, Marcus Schlager, Georg Haushofer, Verena Wolf-Zöllner, Markus Lehner

Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria


Flow morphology of TEG desiccant in a structured packing air dehumidifier exposed to floating conditions

Tural Mamedov1, Eckhard Schleicher1, Markus Schubert1, Thomas Ehlert2, Eugeny Kenig2, Uwe Hampel1,3

1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Fluid Dynamics, 01328 Dresden, Germany; 2Paderborn University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Chair of Fluid Process Engineering, D-33098 Paderborn, Germany; 3TU Dresden, Institute of Power Engineering, Chair of Imaging Techniques in Energy and Process Engineering, 01062 Dresden, Germany


Flashing feed and mist eliminator performance at critical fluid properties

Alexander Döß1, Markus Schubert1, Eckhard Schleicher1, Felix Flegiel2, Uwe Hampel1,3

1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Fluid Dynamics, Bautzner Landstraße 400, 01328 Dresden, Germany.; 2Linde GmbH, Engineering Division, Dr.-Carl-von-Linde Straße 6–14, 82049 Pullach, Germany; 3Technische Universität Dresden, Chair of Imaging Techniques in Energy and Process Engineering, 01062 Dresden, Germany


Experimental studies on the fluid dynamics of a miniaturized measuring cell for an improved design procedure of distillation columns

Amelie Merkel, Wibke Leushacke, Dominik Plate, Marcus Gruenewald

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany


Experimental investigations on the fluid-dynamic design of high-performance separating trays based on a miniaturized measuring cell

Wibke Leushacke, Amelie Merkel, Marcus Grünewald

Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany


Experimental Investigations of Fluid Dynamics of Gravity-destabilized Liquid Film Flows over Structured Surfaces Using Light Induced Fluorescence

Hannes Raddant, Georg Brösigke, Christian Hoffmann, Markus Illner, Jens-Uwe Repke

Technische Universität Berlin, Germany


Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Physico-chemical Properties on Liquid Films Flow Over Flat and Corrugated Surfaces.


Laboratoire de génie chimique de Toulouse, France

Abstract1314-AL SAYEGH-1314.pdf

Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Physico-chemical Properties on Liquid Film Flow Over Flat and Corrugated Surfaces.

Mohamad AL SAYEGH1,2, David ROUZINEAU1, Michel MEYER1, Emmanuel CID1, Pascal ALIX2, Christine DALMAZZONE2, John ROESLER2

1Laboratoire de génie chimique de Toulouse,France; 2IFP Energies Nouvelles, Solaize, France

Abstract1198-AL SAYEGH-1198.pdf

Experimental characterization of an innovative separation tray with enhanced flexibility

Julia Riese, Henrik Fasel, Marcus Grünewald

Ruhr University Bochum, Germany


Exergy analysis of a Top Heat-Integrated Distillation Columns (T-HIDiC) for Propylene-Propane system

Javier Mancera-Apolinar1, Marco Andres Guevara-Luna2, Diego Mendoza-Muñoz3, Carlos Martinez-Riascos1

1Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia; 2Université de Strasbourg, France; 3Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia


Intensified extractive distillation process for the separation of Acetone/Methanol mixture using the ionic liquid 1-Allyl-3-Methylimidazolium Bromide

Fadia Nouara Guella, Hassiba Benyounes

University of Sciences and Technology of Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, Algeria


Rapid method for prediction of random packing performance based on minimized experimental efforts

Jerzy Maćkowiak

ENVIMAC Engineering GmbH, Germany


Investigations on thermosiphon reboiling using foaming liquid mixtures

Laura Strodtmann, Katharina Jasch, Stephan Scholl

Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany



Zarko Olujic1, Johannes Sacher2, Jens Uwe Repke2

1Retired, The Hague, The Netherlands; 2Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10136 Berlin, Germany


Parallel column model for Reactive Dividing Wall Column simulation

Ruan de Villiers, Hendrik A. Kooijman, Ross Taylor

Clarkson University, United States of America

Abstract1200-de Villiers-1200.pdf

Optimizing Mass Transfer for Post Combustion Carbon Capture

Ming Yang Lee1, Saravanan Venkatesan2, Karl Stephenne2, Christian Bachmann1

1Sulzer Chemtech AG, Switzerland; 2Shell Technology Centre Bangalore, India


Optimisation of the Dehydration of Isopropanol by Batch Heteroazeotropic Distillation with Off-cut Recycling

Bence Nemeth, Laszlo Hegely, Peter Lang

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Building Service and Process Engineering


Optimal design and operation of hybrid distillation/pervaporation processes

Dian Chia, Eva Sorensen

University College London (UCL), United Kingdom


Optimal design and operation of flexible reactive distillation processes

Aikaterini Tsatse, Eva Sorensen

University College London (UCL), United Kingdom


Heterogeneous Azeotropic Separation with Intermediate Boiling Point: from Thermodynamic Analysis to Process Design

Mingmei Wang, Lin Li, Erqiang Wang, Zengxi Li

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of


Performances of an advanced Y-type structured packing produced by 3D foam-printing for packed towers in FGD process intensification

Domenico Flagiello, Daniele Tammaro, Alessandro Erto, Pier Luca Maffettone, Amedeo Lancia, Francesco Di Natale

Department of Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II – P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy


A feasible divided wall column process for the purification of cinnamic aldehyde from Vietnam's Cinnamomum Cassia oil

Trung-Dung NGUYEN1, Ngoc-Quang PHAN1, Hong-Ha CAO1, Hong-Duc TA1, Xuan-Mi MEYER2, Jean-Francois BLANCO2, Patrick COGNET2, Michel MEYER2

1Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam; 2Universite de Toulouse, ENSIACET – INP de Toulouse, Laboratoire de Genie Chimique, UMR CNRS 5503, France


Recovery and characterization of cellulosic ethanol from fermentation of sugarcane bagasse

Rubens Maciel Filho4, Celina Yamakawa1, Sebastian Rojas2, Willian Herrera4, Carlos E.V. Rossell3, Maria Regina Wolf Maciel4

1Technical University of Denmark; 2Goethe University Frankfurt; 3Center on Energy Planning-State University of Campinas; 4School of Chemical Engineering- State University of Campinas

Abstract1279-Maciel Filho-1279.pdf

Simulation and Control of C9-C10 Aromatics Splitter Column of Bouali Sina Petrochemical Company

Mortaza Zivdar1, Seyed Mortaza Mirhosseini2, Mohammad Amin Mokhtari2, Mohammad Abdollahi3

1Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, P.O. Box 98135-674, Zahedan, Iran; 2MSc, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, P.O. Box 98135-674, Zahedan, Iran; 3Process Dept. Bouali Sina Petrochemical Company, Site 4, Petrochemical Special Economic Zone, Bandar-e Mahshahr, Iran


Simulation of a Cryogenic 13C Isotope Distillation Process Applying Different Cooling Concepts

Philipp Fritsch1, Michael Hölzl1, Alexander Alekseev1,2, Sebastian Rehfeldt1, Harald Klein1

1Technical University of Munich; 2Linde GmbH, Linde Engineering


Simulation of eucalyptus bio-oil and Brazilian crude oils blends distillation: effects, challenges and opportunities.

Daniel Santos Fernandes, Leonardo Vasconcelos Fregolente, Maria Regina Wolf Maciel

School of Chemical Engineering (FEQ), University of Campinas (UNICAMP), 13083-852 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Simulation of eucalyptus bio-oil and Brazilian crude oils blends distillation: effects, challenges and opportunities.

Daniel Santos Fernandes, Leonardo Vasconcelos Fregolente, Maria Regina Wolf Maciel

Chemical Engineering Faculty - State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil


Solvent selection for simultaneous separation of furans from catalytic reactor in downstream purification process

Ljudmila Fele Žilnik, Uroš Novak, Miha Grilc, Blaž Likozar

National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia

Abstract1268-Fele Žilnik-1268.pdf

Solvent Management by Oxygen Removal in Amine based Post Combustion CO2 Capture

Tanya Srivastava

TNO, Netherlands, The


Study of a Supported Enzymatic Reactive Distillation using 3-D printed internals

Nicolas Chaussard1, Cedric Decarpigny2, Clemence Nikitine1, David Rouzineau3, Renato Froidevaux2, Michel Meyer3, Pascal Fongarland1

1CP2M, UMR 5128, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, CPE Lyon, Villeurbanne, France; 2UMRT BioEcoAgro 1158, Equipe Biotranformation/Enzymes et Biocatalyse, Univ Lille, INRAE, Univ Liège, UPJV, JUNIA, Univ Artois, Univ Littoral côté d’Opale, ICV – Institut Charles Violette, G-59000 Lille, France; 3LGC, UMR 5503 Université de Toulouse, CNRS, INPT, UPS, Toulouse, France


Study of axial dispersion on several modern structured and random packings

Lukáš Valenz, Patrik Šobr, Tereza Čmelíková, František Jonáš Rejl

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic


Study of the Pressure Drop and Flooding in a Rotating Packed Bed Equipped with Stainless Steel Wire-Mesh Packing

Usman GARBA1,2, David ROUZINEAU1, Michel MEYER1

1Laboratoire de Génie Chimique - Toulouse, France; 2Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria


Synthesis of Alternative Intensified Sequences for the Separation of a Multicomponent Renewable Hydrocarbons Mixture

Isaac Oliva-González1, Araceli Guadalupe Romero-Izquierdo2, Claudia Gutiérrez-Antonio2, Fernando Israel Gómez-Castro1, Salvador Hernández1

1Universidad de Guanajuato, México; 2Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México


Synthesis of Double Dividing Wall Distillation Systems for the Separation of Quaternary Mixtures

Monserrat Flores-Flores1, Fernando Israel Gómez-Castro1, Araceli Guadalupe Romero-Izquierdo2, Claudia Gutiérrez-Antonio2, Massimiliano Errico3

1Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico; 2Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Mexico; 3University of Southern Denmark, Denmark


The development of soft sensors for continuous estimation of the distillation 95% point of diesel product

Željka Ujević Andrijić, Nenad Bolf, Srečko Herceg

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Croatia

Abstract1250-Ujević Andrijić-1250.pdf

The Influence of Physical Properties on Structured Packing HETP Correlations

Andrew Starrantino1, Ken McCarley2, Sayeed Mohammad2, Tony Cai2, Clint Aichele1

1School of Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078; 2Fractionation Research Incorporated, Stillwater, OK 74074


The new EcoMarine #2 random packing: An innovative product for flue-gas desulfurization on marine ships

Marcus Schlager1, Verena Wolf-Zöllner1, Christian Geipel2, Christian Mehringer2, Jose Luis Sola2

1Montanuniversität Leoben, 8700 Leoben, Austria; 2RVT Process Equipment GmbH, 96349 Steinwiesen, Germany


Towards a better understanding of wiped film evaporators - using a modular model for fluid dynamics and heat transfer

David Appelhaus, Stefan Jahnke, Katharina Jasch, Stephan Scholl

TU Braunschweig, Germany


Troubleshooting Liquid Side Draw-off Trays

quan yang, Christian Bachmann, Peng-Cheng Hou, Sha-Li Shen, SiangHua Lee

Sulzer Chemtech


Using thermography for visualisation of liquid surface activity in mass-transfer processes

Karel Mařík, Jan Haidl, Vadim Prokopec, František Jonáš Rejl

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic


Wet-oxidative gas desulfurization under avoidance of solid sulfur precipitation

Julian Wurm1, Jens-Uwe Repke1, Olaf von Morstein2, Holger Thielert2

1TU Berlin, Germany; 2thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, Germany


CO2 capture from syngas by absorption process using fluorinated anion ionic liquids

AMIRI Nesrine1, BENYOUNES Hassiba2, LOUNIS Zoubida1

11Laboratoire d’Ingénierie de la Sécurité Industrielle et du Développement Durable, Institut de Maintenance et de la Sécurité Industrielle, Université Oran 2, Algérie; 2Laboratoire de chimie physique de matériaux, catalyse et environnement, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran USTO-MB, Algérie


Conceptual design of distillation process for the separation of styrene monomer from polystyrene pyrolysis oil: experiment and simulation

Roshi Dahal1, Petri Uusi-Kyyny1, Juha-Pekka Pokki1, Ville Alopaeus1,2

1Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, P.O. Box 11000, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland; 2Mid Sweden University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Sundsvall, 85170, Sweden


Feasibility of internal heat integrated dividing wall column separating methanol, ethanol, and isopropanol

Qingliang Qiao1, Haisheng Chen2, Kejin Huang3

1Beijing University of Chemical Technology; 2Beijing University of Chemical Technology; 3Beijing University of Chemical Technology


Find the error - Machine Learning as a Tool for Identifying Unstable Operating Points in Thermosiphon Reboilers

David Appelhaus, Stephan Scholl, Katharina Jasch

TU Braunschweig, Germany


Smooth Penalty Function Method for Rigorous Optimization of Distillation Processes

Xingwei Liu, Shengkun Jia, Yiqing Luo, Xigang Yuan

Tianjin University, China, People's Republic of


Investigation of liquid maldistribution in a random packed column operated as a cooling tower

Thomas Winkler, Harald Klein, Sebastian Rehfeldt

Technical University of Munich, Germany


Investigations of crystallization fouling in columns

Korbinian Inderwies, Harald Klein, Sebastian Rehfeldt

Technical University of Munich, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Plant and Process Technology, Germany


Kinetics in DEEA-MAPA-H2O-CO2 systems for the post-combustion CO2 capture by absorption-regeneration using demixing solvents


University of Mons - Faculty of Engineering, Belgium


Liquid Holdup Distribution in Structured-Packed Columns via Gamma-Ray Computed Tomography

Alan Berger1, Patrick Houghton1, Jonathan Wilson1, Markus Schubert2, André Bieberle2

11940 Air Products Blvd Allentown PA 18106 USA; 2Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Germany


Loading & Flooding in Mellapak Structured Packing: Radiographic & Computer-Tomographic Insights

Thomas Linder1, Simon Eder2, Wolfgang Arlt2, Matthias Thommes2, Ansor Gäbler1

1Sulzer Chemtech AG, Switzerland; 2Institute of Separation Science & Technology, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany


Mass-transfer model for distillation columns equipped with structured packings

František Jonáš Rejl, Tereza Čmelíková, Lukáš Valenz, Haidl Jan

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic


Measurement of vapor-liquid equilibria of ß-damascenone and simulation of its behavior during a batch distillation

Gabriela Zanghelini1, Pierre Giampaoli1, Martine Esteban-Decloux1, Stéphane Vitu1,2, Violaine Athès1

1Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, AgroParisTech, UMR Sayfood, 91300 Massy, France; 2CNAM, 75003 Paris, France


Measuring tray and point efficiencies in hydraulic air/water column mockups via air-stripping of isobutyl acetate in aqueous solution

Sara Marchini1,2,3, Vineet Vishwakarma2, Markus Schubert2, Elisabetta Brunazzi3, Uwe Hampel1,2

1Chair of Imaging Techniques in Energy and Process Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany; 2Institute of Fluid Dynamics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Bautzner Landstraße 400, 01328 Dresden, Germany; 3Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, University of Pisa, Largo Lucio Lazzarino 2, 56126 Pisa, Italy


Model based and experimental analysis of the dynamic reactive absorption loop behavior

Mike Bothe, Nicole Lutters, Eugeny Y. Kenig

Paderborn University, Chair of Fluid Process Engineering, Paderborn/Germany


Modelling of a hybrid process combining zero gravity distillation and vapour permeation

Marc Wende, Eugeny Y. Kenig

Chair of Fluid Process Engineering, Paderborn University, Paderborn, Germany


Mutual verification of the gas-phase volumetric mass-transfer coefficients determined in the packed absorption column

Lukáš Valenz, František Jonáš Rejl, Tereza Čmelíková, Martina Reisnerová, Anna Hojgrová

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic


Novel additively manufacturable structured packings developed by innovative design methods

Andreas Lange, Georg Fieg

Hamburg University of Technology, Germany


Novel Process for Levulinic Acid Production Using Reactive Distillation.

Heriberto Alcocer-García, Jose Luis Solis-Sanchez, Eduardo Sánchez-Ramírez, Ana Gabriela Romero-García, Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez

Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico


Module-based synthesis and intensification for the Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) mixture separation

Yusaku Seki, J. Rafael Alcantara Avila

Kyoto Univeristy, Japan


A More Comprehensive Formulation to Rapidly and Reliably Screen for Energy-Efficient Distillation Configurations

Tony Joseph Mathew, Akash Sanjay Nogaja, Mohit Tawarmalani, Rakesh Agrawal

Purdue University, United States of America

6:00pm - 7:30pmSpecial event: Cocktail sponsorised by Armagnac (BNIA)

Date: Tuesday, 20/Sept/2022
8:30am - 9:30amPlenary_3
Location: Room 1

Carbon Management at BASF – Technological Pathways Towards Carbon Neutrality

Juergen Dahlhaus

BASF SE, Germany

9:30am - 10:30amTopic_2_A: Modelling Simulation Control
Location: Room 2
Session Chair: Ross Taylor, Clarkson University, United States of America

Development of a pressure-driven dynamic model to study the start-up of a flexible tray column

Julia Riese, Bastian Bruns, Henrik Fasel, Marcus Grünewald

Ruhr University Bochum, Germany


A numerical selection methodology for a complex periodic packing dedicated to HIDiC

Yousef Al-Maqaleh1, Nathalie Di Miceli Raimondi1, David Rouzineau1, David F. Fletcher2, Michel Meyer1

1Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, INPT, UPS, Toulouse, France; 2School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006, Australia

9:30am - 10:30amTopic_4_A: Equipment design, technology and innovation
Location: Room 1

Development of flexible, miniaturized test columns for scale-up of distillation processes using 3D-printing

Johannes Neukäufer1, Mohamed Adel Ashour1, Nadin Sarajlic2, Harald Klein2, Sebastian Rehfeldt2, Jürgen Pschold3, Carsten Knösche3, Thomas Grützner1

1Ulm University, Germany; 2Technical University of Munich, Germany; 3BASF SE, Germany


Design and Conception of an Innovative Liquid Distributor for Separation Column

Sergio da Cunha, Benoit Mizzi, Nataliya Shcherbakova, David Rouzineau, Michel Meyer, Vincent Gerbaud

Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, INP, UPS, Toulouse, France

Abstract1136-da Cunha-1136.pdf
10:30am - 11:00amCoffee break3: Sponsored by Freyssinet
11:00am - 12:40pmTopic_2_B: Modelling Simulation Control
Location: Room 2
Session Chair: Mirko Skiborowski, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

Study By Simulation Of The Behavior Of Aroma Compounds during Malt Whisky Distillation With A Stupfler Type Filling Column.

Martine ESTEBAN-DECLOUX1, N'Guessan Romaric TANO1, H. GRANGEON2

1UMR 782 SayFood, AgroParisTech-INRAE, Paris-Saclay University, France; 2Ergaster distillery. 1 av du Parc F 60400 PASSEL


CFD-based investigation of the packing microstructure influence on droplet behavior and film flow

Christopher Dechert, Eugeny Kenig

Paderborn University, Germany


Modeling distillation columns for practical purposes

Christoph Ehlers, Niklas Paul, Armin Rix, Philip Zitzewitz, Christoph Hiller

Evonik Operations GmbH, Germany


Pressure-driven, dynamic modeling of distillation columns using smooth reformulations to describe startup, shutdown, and flexible operation

Christian Hoffmann, Jens-Uwe Repke

Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

11:00am - 12:40pmTopic_4_B: Equipment design, technology and innovation
Location: Room 1
Session Chair: Marc Wehrli, Sulzer Chemtech Ltd, Switzerland

C3 Splitter Revamp to Improve Separation Efficiency and Capacity

Senthil Krishnamoorthy1, Shashank Laturkar2, Vinit Kale3, Daniel R. Summers4, Dipak Shahare5, Mohammad Ahmad Khawdah5, Mohammed Ali Al-Sekhan6, Mahesh Kumar S6, Misfer Al Ghamdi7, Andrei Merenov8

1Sulzer Chemtech, USA; 2Sulzer Chemtech, India; 3Sulzer Chemtech, Bahrain; 4Retired from Sulzer USA; 5Saudi Kayan, SABIC; 6Global Cracker Technology, SABIC; 7Process Safety, SABIC; 8Engineering Science, SABIC


More than just Thermodynamics, mechanical design of dividing wall columns – best practice experiences

Robin Schulz

Julius Montz GmbH, Germany


The Development and Applications of a New Mass Transfer Tray Device

Neil Sandford1, Greg Spencer2, Alessandro Ferrari3

1Koch Engineered Solutions, United States of America; 2Koch Engineered Solutions Limited, UK; 3Koch Engineered Solutions, Italy


Visualization of recirculation zones over a perforated plate: An optical flow technique for characterization of fluid dynamics in structured packing

Manasa Iyer1, John Pachón-Morales1, Joel Casalinho2, Jacopo Seiwert1, Mikael Wattiau1, Laurent Zimmer3, Hervé Duval2

1Air Liquide Research and Development, 1 Chemin de la Porte des Loges, Les-Loges-en-Josas 78350, France; 2LGPM, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, 3 rue Joliot-Curie, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France; 3EM2C, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, 3 rue Joliot-Curie, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

12:40pm - 2:00pmlunch2
2:00pm - 3:00pmPlenary_4
Location: Room 1
Session Chair: Elisabetta Brunazzi, University of Pisa, Italy

100 Years of Distillation with Trays and Packings and Beyond

Michael Schultes1, Daniel R. Summers2

1Raschig GmbH, Allemagne; 2Sulzer Chemtech USA, Inc. (retired)

3:00pm - 4:15pmTopic_2_C: Modelling Simulation Control
Location: Room 2
Session Chair: Regina Benfer, BASF SE, Germany

Rate-based Column Design – The Need to Know

Richard Behrens, Michael Haas, Friedemann Gaitzsch

BASF SE, Germany


Digitalization of a Coker Fractionator Using TOWER VIEW® software

Anand N Vennavelli, Izak Nieuwoudt

Koch-Glitsch, United States of America


Rate-Based Column Simulation in the Complex Domain

Jaeide Jawahill, Ross Taylor

Clarkson University, United States of America

3:00pm - 4:15pmTopic_4_C: Equipment design, technology and innovation
Location: Room 1
Session Chair: Izak Nieuwoudt, Koch Engineered Solutions, United States of America

Intensifying Modular Carbon Capture

David Bahr1, James Hall1, Thomas Yelland1, Jonathan Lee2, Kai Groß3, Robin Schulz3

1Carbon Clean, 3 Valentine Place, London, SE1 8QH, U.K.; 2School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, U.K.; 3Julius Montz GmbH, Hilden, Germany


Characterization of the operating limits of a two-staged rotating packed bed

Tobias Pyka, Katharina Kohl, Jörg Koop, Christoph Held, Gerhard Schembecker

TU Dortmund, Germany


New temperature measurement methodology for a comprehensive understanding of rotating packed beds in distillation processes

Alexander Ressemann, Markus Illner, Jens-Uwe Repke

TU Berlin, Germany

4:15pm - 4:45pmCoffee break4
4:45pm - 6:00pmTopic_2_D: Modelling Simulation Control
Location: Room 2
Session Chair: Ville Alopaeus, Aalto Univesity, Finland

Hybrid Modeling Approaches for Air Separation Unit Control Applications

Valentin Krespach1, Nicolas Blum1,2, Martin Pottmann2, Sebastian Rehfeldt1, Harald Klein1

1Technical University of Munich, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Institute of Plant and Process Technology, Boltzmannstraße 15, 85748 Garching (Germany); 2Linde GmbH, Linde Engineering, Dr.-Carl-von-Linde-Straße 6-14, 82049 Pullach (Germany)


Numerical simulation of the two-phase flow at a single trapezoid fixed valve using a hybrid CFD approach

Philipp Wiedemann1, Sesi Preetam Kota1, Stephanie Weckesser1, Eckhard Schleicher1, Markus Schubert1, Uwe Hampel1,2

1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany; 2Technische Universität Dresden, Germany


Opimisation of a Batch Distillation Process by Applying Surrogate Models

Laszlo Hegely, Marton Tamas Szucs, Ömer Faruk Karaman, Peter Lang

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Building Services and Process Engineering, Hungary

4:45pm - 6:00pmTopic_4_D: Equipment design, technology and innovation
Location: Room 1
Session Chair: Mohammad Kalbassi, Brunel University London, United Kingdom

Recent developments in separation equipment for very large distillation and absorption towers

Mario Roza, Mark Pilling, Christian Bachmann

Sulzer, Switzerland


High Pressure CO2 Distillation Columns with Structured Packing – from Concept to Successful Column Operation

André Perschmann, Mariyana Chalakova, Annett Kutzschbach

Linde Engineering / Linde GmbH, Germany


Why NOT Structured Packings in High-Pressure Distillation Applications?

Jose Bravo1, Tony Cai2

1Independent Consultant; 2Fractionation Research, Inc., United States of America

7:30pm - 11:00pmGala dinner: Sponsored by Sulzer
Hôtel Dieu - Rue Viguerie TOULOUSE

Date: Wednesday, 21/Sept/2022
8:30am - 9:30amPlenary_5
Location: Room 1
Session Chair: Igor Dejanovic, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Croatia

From 2 tons per hour to 2 tons per second of oxygen

Bernard Saulnier, mikael Wattiau

Air Liquide, France

9:30am - 10:30amTopic_1_A: Basic Data
Location: Room 1
Session Chair: Ljudmila Fele Zilnik, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia

Entrainer selection for the extractive distillation of acrylic acid and propionic acid

Hilbert Keestra, Thomas Brouwer, Boelo Schuur, Jean-Paul Lange

University of Twente


Carbon dioxide capture with choline-based DESs solvents

Gabriela CIRIACO, Alain LEDOUX, Lionel ESTEL


9:30am - 10:30amTopic_3_A: Hybrid and multifunctional processes
Location: Room 2
Session Chair: Oleg Pajalic, Perstorp AB, Sweden

High-level decision-making approach for early assessment of the applicability of advanced reactive distillation technologies

Isabel Pazmiño-Mayorga, Anton A. Kiss, Megan Jobson

University of Manchester, United Kingdom


Upscale of reactive-transport phenomena in catalytic distillation units

Oscar Luevano1, Juan José Quiroz-Ramirez1, V. Alejandro Suarez-Toriello1, Eduardo Sánchez-Ramirez2, Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernández2

1CONACYT-CIATEC A.C., Centro de Innovación Aplicada en Tecnologías Competitivas; 2Department of Chemical Engineering University of Guanajuato

10:30am - 11:00amCoffee break5: Sponsored by FRI
11:00am - 12:00pmTopic_1_B: Basic Data
Location: Room 1
Session Chair: Jens Abildskov, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

The unexpected weirdness of rate-based simulation of some high-pressure column operations

Attilio Praderio, Ruan de Villiers, Jingsong Zhou, Hendrik A. Kooijman, Ross Taylor

Clarkson University, United States of America


Thermographical determination of the effective mass transfer area of distillation

František Jonáš Rejl, Jan Haidl, Karel Mařík, Tereza Čmelíková, Lukáš Valenz

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic


Measuring local condensation heat transfer coefficients in cryogenic conditions.

Marie-Adélaïde Crémieux1, Jacopo Seiwert1, Brice Tréméac2, Florine Giraud2, Frédéric Crayssac1

1Air Liquide Research and Development, 1 Chemin de la Porte des Loges, Les-Loges-en-Josas 78350, France; 2Lafset - Laboratoire du froid et des systèmes énergétiques et thermiques, CNAM, Paris

11:00am - 12:00pmTopic_3_B: Hybrid and multifunctional processes
Location: Room 2
Session Chair: Boelo Schuur, University of Twente, Netherlands, The

Investigation of an innovative control method for cyclic operation of reactive distillation columns

Innokentij Bogatykh1, Markus Illner1, Christian Hoffmann1, Volodymyr Kozachynskyi1, Thomas Osterland2, Thomas Wilharm3, Jens-Uwe Repke1

1Technical University of Berlin; 2Augsburg University of Applied Sciences; 3ASG Analytik-Service AG


Black liquor valorization via reactive distillation and heterogeneous catalysis


CP2M (Catalyse, Polymérisation, Procédés et Matériaux), France


Optimal design of hybrid dividing wall columns for azeotropic separations

Eva Sorensen, Dian Chia, Fanyi Duanmu

University College London (UCL)

12:00pm - 12:40pmPhD Award: Sponsored by BASF
12:40pm - 1:00pmClosure ceremony
1:00pm - 2:00pmlunch3