Forelesninger/dikusjoner blir tirsdager 13-15 i rom B333 (Elektro).
Laerbok er forelopig utgave av:
S. Skogestad and I. Postlethwaite: Multivariable feedback control.
(Utkommer paa Wiley en gang i 1996).
Forelopig plan:
Week 1 (24 Jan): Overview, Chapter 1 and 2.
Week 2 (30 Jan): Review of Chapter 2 (Classical SISO control).
Start Chapter 3 (Introduction to MIMO control). Appendix.
Week 3 (06 Feb): Finish Chapter 3.
Week 4 (13 Feb): Chapter 4 (including zeros and norms).
Week 5 (20 Feb): Chapter 5 (limits on performance - SISO controllability)
Week 6 (27 Feb): Chapter 6 (MIMO)
Week 7 (05 Mar): Chapter 7 (SISO uncertainty)
Week 8 (12 Mar): Chapter 8 (MIMO, Structured singular value)
Week 9 (19 Mar): Finish Chapter 8. Chapter 9 (design; LQG, H-infinity)
Start thinking about project!
Week 10(26 Mar): Chapter 10 (control structure design, decentralized control)
and 11 (model reduction)
Week 11 (2 Apr): Summary and approval of plan for project (item 1)
Final 4 weeks (which includes Easter): Work on project
Extensive use of MATLAB (Mu and Robust toolboxes) throughout the course.
-Sigurd Skogestad